17 thoughts on “BMW M5”

  1. thanks elie la2annak rajja3et 2el submetting taba3 2el comments 3anjad haida 2a7la site

  2. ya shabeb foutou 3ala 2el exoticspotter.com w shoufou 2el maskhara foutou 3ala 2el part taba3 2el f430 fi 3 ferrari in syria 7atin pic la 2alon basss henne msawrin bi nice bi france ya3ni ma ba3ref laween badda twassel 2el ghire te3iton

  3. haha eh eh farfouraa..i saw it they aree so stupiddd…
    2al the owner of the f430 3indo enzo wsaleen w clk gtr…ma khallo sayara bi hal 3alam ila ma 7atowa

  4. hehe u r right hehe
    in syria a car cost triple than her original price lol ya3ne a saleen will cos 1.2 milion dollarsss

  5. no man it will cost minumum 2 million dollllars,hisam said 2 me(hehe) innno hoonik l sayarat arkhas cuz his relative bought a pajero with a lower price than here in leb,,,,,,so 2e2na3o bhal chi hata maba2a yetfashan..

  6. hey wissam and his friend in syria bi daf3ouk 300% goumrouk so 7seba w a saleen in america cost around 400.000$

  7. yeahhhhhhhh
    actually a syran guy posted a picture of a renault spyder(as the one i posted) on exoticspotter.com and he said its a veryy exotic car in syria due to the 300% tax on the original price..
    ala yse3edon

  8. lol chou bel bahdale byefhamo:S?? yaret byefhamo fa mat ta3bo 7alkoun 3al fade coz byetda7ako 3layna l 3alam coz bi 2oulo chou behoun hal lebneniye 3am ye7ko ma3 mjedib LOL

  9. @ rayan ayash ……. the one who posted teh pic of a renault spider on (exoticspotter.com) said :” this car is very expensive in syria because of the 280% tax policy concerning cars “……… also in Lebanon this car is exotic , i’ve only seen twice of that car , but of course it’s not as expensive as it is in Syria …. (i guess in here you can buy a used one in 38000$ )

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