New Theme

As you can see, a new theme has been applied to Exoleb.

-Do you like it?
-What needs to be changed?
-Did you find any bugs (errors) in it?
-Are the new colors Okay?

Please comment on this Post to reply to the questions above or to talk about anything related to the new theme.

12 thoughts on “New Theme”

  1. -Do you like it? : Yes i do

    -What needs to be changed? : Nothing i guess

    -Did you find any bugs (errors) in it? : Nop

    -Are the new colors Okay? : Yes they are fine …

    lo0l ……

  2. i have a complaint though …. i was checking the categories , i clicked on Aston martin but we don’t see pics of the cars or the comments on each car spotted until we click on it , then we can see the pics and the comments , in the old theme we could see the number of comments and the pics before clicking on them……..

  3. its gd, in a kind of way, new i might add ! bas shway mi3aja2 :S bidayi3 :S esp l red wil white ! ra2yi ino tihot ino mitil lines mishin tifari2 shway between l kitabi wil margines wil hawashi!

  4. its gd, in a kind of way, new i might add ! bas shway mi3aja2 :S bidayi3 :S esp l red wil white ! ra2yi ino tihot ino mitil lines mishin tifari2 shway between l kitabi wil margines wil hawashi! wo dakhil l black color ma3on 😉 red black red ! mish tabi3i!!!

  5. Elie..
    first of all..It is toooo simple!! has too many ads on the homepage! its full of advertisments!
    the colors are too should make a lebanese theme..more complex and more worked should have a sexy logo.a nice lebanese exotic beside it..
    would love to talk to you and offer any help in deigning..

  6. Hey this theme is nice but as hady said u need to enlarge the EXOLEB title & i think u must leave the old LOGO ken ktir 7elo…

  7. Hey Guys, thanks for the advices, and sorry for the late reply but my internet connection was down, I am gonna try to change some stuff you mentioned in the new theme ASAP.

  8. When I came for the first time on : I was suprised to see the lebanese flag. That was a good idea… that’s why I am here again.

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