18 thoughts on “Ferrari F430”

  1. suisse:D
    bass ba3ed ma sajjala bass i think i saw him last week mjamraka coz hayde l soura bel abc men chi 1 month

  2. i saw a baby blue f430 last summer at bamboo bay..it had a swiss number tooo..ITS WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FERRARI INE WORLD!

  3. Rahibeh! metel te3ite ! bass hallak 3am bsouk el sunny la2eno el ferrari bel Garage 😛

  4. yeah aziz ur right its my case the ferrari is in the garage and yesterday i’ve wrecked my lamborghini and my dad is friving the maybach and my mom the Phantom that why i drive the sunny lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

  5. elie lamma na3mel submetting la pictures bi2oul 2el site wel bi show in a couple of hours mouch days

    Reply by admin
    actually ma bi 2oul chi and I never received pictures from you so please make sure you filled everything required.

  6. no ya farfoura bass aw2at betsir ma3e ino bi 3alli2 l site fa ya bikoun mnel connection ya mnel site bass 3adatan mnel connection ino 7asab l daghet

  7. video of murcieaglo ma 2ello 3azee,i think lezem yensheil ,iza hadan mn barra shefo akeed lah yetdahak,innno ma fi burnout,sprint,flyby,chase ….ma 2ello 3aze w iza hadan lah y2elle inno nazel heik wahad inde kteer bas ma bhes inno lah ykooono bil mostawa l matlooob mitil ma fi bgeir sites .

  8. ba3atellak souwar la sl55 amg lesh ma 7atayton
    ma 3ala 2ases 7atet in couple of hours wala days

  9. a3ssabkoun 3a ELIE wlik barke byechteghil l zalame aw byet3alam lol a3sabkoun 3anjad 3am be7ke:S 7sebo 7alkoun ma7alo:d

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