55 thoughts on “TechArt Magnum Porsche Cayenne”

  1. WOWWW very nice CAR but it would be more aggressive if it was BLACK with black rims

    WAT AN EXOTIC!!!!!!!!!

  3. yalla WISSAM send THEM akid mech ra7 yez3al menak lol yalla SEND THEM NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

  4. elie…..baa3atet sowar kteeer mazboooot l quality manna mneee7a bas hayda yalle feen 2a3mlo but fi some pics makboolen like Cl Lorinser wil alpina B3 wIl SL parking next 2 the yellow maserati..i think haydool mneee7 2 be displayed …kamein nseet fil lebanese gallardo(silver) ma kteeer mbayne bas hayde lezem ten7at ..nomreta 5544….so what do u think of

  5. wissam i wanted to tell u therez a silver murcielego “lebanese”, i saw it long time ago on a trailer.. and i dnt think its pics are on the site. so who finds it will get a million cash. jk.

  6. look there is a silver gallardo…mabaa3ref iza inta kenet mdaye3 bayneton …..ana baaa3ref inno fi gallardo nomreta 5544 and i have the pic but l murcieaglo baa3ref 2 6116 w 777 bas….iza fi aktar bykoon a7san

  7. w ya rayes kamal fi SLR(lebanese) hayde kteeeeeeeeeeeeeeer khateeeeeeeeeera w hayde kamein 2ela relation bil 777 so its very hard 2 find…..absar bi ayya valley mawjooode ta7t chi tree or near a river(mich 3am bemza7)….bytheway shefto asra3 subaru impreza bi leb….heyye subaru impreza WRX STI …lawna white with black rims…(raheeebe) la7 tsatlo lamma tshooofoooooha….veryveryvery aggressive….shelet porsche carrera Gt ta3eeeet bank l mawared. w yellow gallardo mawjoode hon 3al website 7ad bayte 3ala autostrade l marriot….they said inno feeha agla turbo n7at (18000$) i think i will have a photo of this car…wil noma 7asab ma betzakar 1555555 heik chi

  8. good good wissam yesterday i finished my exams so 2day i’ll submit some pictures like modena, GT2 ,DB9….

  9. A3SABBAK YA WISSAM:p wlik bikoun 3endo exams aw chi heik (kelna bel hawa sawa lol)fa akid hal jem3a byenzallo coz kel l universities byokhlasso

  10. kan bido interior red wo biyitla3 rahib !!! ahla min il gemballa min jihit il shakil bas ma bibayin idamo 3al sir3a!!!!

  11. hi shabeb 3andi la 2elkon 2a7la khaber la7 ytem 2eftite7 7alabet f1 bi beirut wel ticket nar bi 20 usd

  12. yea farfoor, see u there. and btw wissam, im sure it was a silver murcielego, but i remember it didnt have a plate number, it was on a trailer, so i think it was newly being transported from the por!!


  14. ya shabeb 3an jad entou masekin w sekhefa essa ma bta3refou shou be2der 2a3mel ok bass stannou laykou iza ma badkon ta3touni 3anawinkon ana ba3tikon 3enweni bi tripoli w ta3ou n7el 2el meshekle 3anna

  15. eh ya chabeb ntebho farfoura ktir awiye w ta3o 3a tripoli ta tenzal 3laykoun bel renault 12 twin turbo:P hehehe khotra hehe bass ino mni7 li fi farfoura heik mnetsalla chway

  16. ahahahahahahhahaha…ya ala ya shabeb sar bada sahra 3ala exoleb netda7ak shwey:P..LBEERA 3LAYEH!

  17. shabeb farfoura esma farah khoury kenet 2eshteghel bi wakelket nidal becherawi ma3a 3omra 22 sene w ma3a nissan murano mouch porche cayenne 😛 w sheyfe 7ala bass la 2anna bta3ref kam we7ed z3ouri wasel bi hal balad

  18. shabeb farfoura esma farah khoury kenet 2eshteghel bi wakelket nidal becherawi ma3a 3omra 22 sene w ma3a nissan murano mouch porche cayenne 😛 w sheyfe 7ala bass la 2anna bta3ref kam we7ed z3ouri wasel bi hal balad w 3andi pic la siyarta

  19. HAHAHAHAHAHA..omg thats sooooooo coolll..eh SHU BA3D SHU BA3D KHABROUNA!:p:p:p:p:p

  20. w kamen 3an jdid khatabet wa7ad bikoun 2ebnou la najib mi2ati ma3ou aston martin db7 vantage black converitble 7a2a 150000$ w 3andi pic lal car w video la farfoura w khatiba w rfi2ou bass ma ba3ref 2a3emell la video submetting akhi sawarou w 3atani yeh

  21. tab plz carla b3aate l sooora ta3eeet l db7 vantage 3ashein kteeer ana b7eb l astons w khsooosatan bi leb w khaleeena nshoooofa cho 7elwe hal sayarra(iza kenet mawjoode)

  22. hehe, eh farfour, sry carla ana kaman b7eb astons. w ya wissam sho bek ma32ool ma tkoon mawjoodee!?…WALAWW, ma hayde carla 3m te7ke!!:P

  23. so carla natrine l videot w iza saaa3be b3aate l pics w iza ma btaa3rfi send them 2 my email w ana baa3mellon submitt biesmeik(na7na kteer men7eb l astons w especially db7)

  24. mabsouta b7alek ya sakhife ennou shoufi 2el fare2 bayni w baynek 2ana ma3i siyara 7a2a 52000$ w 2enti ma3ek siyara bel to2sit 7aaaa2a 25000$ w 3al 2alile khative ma3ou db7 vantege mouch ghouwasa

  25. hey murano 7akko 33000$..bjeblek wa7ad lawno orange kamein halaa2 so keef 52000$..l hummer 7akko heik…bil neheye nissan so akeed ma 7akko 52000$..maxi 40000$

  26. for gods sake, c’mon, both of u: inno wether ur rlly carla and farfoura OR the same dum individual playin 2 roles, its so silly!!! w anyways i doubt its a farfourA or carlA cz ma m32ool any girl no matter how dum tbahdil 7ala b heik sakhafat.. BYE.

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