19 thoughts on “Pierre Gemayel – R.I.P”

  1. Death to the murdurers..Death to these illeterate people..Death to whome Forgets the layalty to his country..Death to the betrayers..
    R.I.P Pierre Gmayel

  2. mannn plzzz be aware of a FETNE coz i heared about it sooo plzzzz ma tenjarro bi machekil coz bi kaffinaaa
    RIP pierre jemayel

  3. ne7na t3alamnaa ya zalameh..el fetneh lal 3alam el jehleh..lal 3alam yalleh ma btefham..lal 3alam yalleh ma btefham gheir bel 2ooweh..ma btefham bel 7akehh
    met rafi2 w basel w samir w goerge hawi wghayra wghayra wjebran..wma ken fi fetneh wala shi..ne7na sha3b 7adareh ,mnefham henei kelon kleb nawar jehlin

  4. man ta3 chouf chou 3am bisir bel achrafiehh ma khallo wala soura lal general kelloun khaza2ouwoun w kel l 3alam khafo w khabo l ORANGE coz houlike badoun ykasro

  5. Hey i really liked him & specially cuz he’s from the GEMAYEL family & i had a conversation with him once ( on my gradudation day ) we had it at SAGESSE UNIVERSITY & he was present & i have 1 photo with him too…
    So i don’t know what to say but i hope this will stop ( i know it won’t but just hoping ) & REST IN PEACE PIERRE..

  6. man akid its USA cs kenno fiyon yeghteloo chi wazzir tane ma3ando hal cha3biye yille 3ando yihe beit Jmayel they done this to 7yarko el chare3 why him and not another one .USA has done it to make the Lebanese say that it was “(jiran)”

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