13 thoughts on “Custom Hummer H2”

  1. some times parts of cars disapear after beeing shiped to leb so maybe he decided to ship the rims alone ta ma yekhtefo aw ta ma yserlone chi

  2. ino fiya wmafiya bass ana b2oul ino ma7at rims coz smalla tor2at lebnen ktir mne7 fa kelyom byenkesro so iza kelyom bede yotloub rims men USA ra7 y2afliss:P

  3. Hala2 shabeb..eno bas la2ano fi 3alemitt wcc ye3neh west coastt?..all these parts u can find them at the hummer dealer..and the wcc sticker u can buy it from the us bi shi 5$ ma ana bi canada wba3riff:P…halka2 howeh 7elo akidddddddddddd bas eno mech ka2ano m3adal bi taree2a wala afkham ye3neh

  4. mazbout ya rayan bass kello chrome w maba3rif chou houwe law fina nchoufo men jouwa ken a7san chi coz WCC bikouno 7atinlo fi chi 2 TV w playsation (hole 3al khafif lol)

  5. shabeb leh la ywasso mn america..walaw dubai sho 3am ta3mel…hooonik markaz mohem lal cars….hayda l hummer a7la mn 7ayalla hummer aswad jeye mn l sherke….bas howi te3deeelo 3adi bil nesbe lal gier.

  6. man ana akid ino law inta chefto edemak ma3 26inch rims kenet elet hayda a7la H2 bass la2ano balla RIMS bibatil 7elo:S

  7. mazbooooot..bas iza la7azet inno l weha tab3eeto manno chormew even manno kteer lowered so badddo shogol mneee7…byzway 3al exoleb soora l H2 *(saudi) tuned…its very nice…w its lowered.tale3 shaklo bykhawef…..w baaa3dein hayda mish ma3rooof sho mnsewa fi inside….w 7atta law kein fi 26 inch rims here ma betsawar 7adan byrakbo laa2no smalla btaa3rfo torkat leb sho mneeee7a….so l maximum yalli bi7otto 22 inch

  8. haida l hummer ya kharailah ya pierre la eddy labban ba3rfo bi dal 3al tromba 3and rfi2e anthony l bacha 3arafoune 3le la2en ana wiye nafs l 3alie w nafs l 2esem w mech WCC la2en mousi2to men hon men 3and jack bel zouk ma7al 2esmo PIONEER w hek chefnekon 😛

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